Eradicating Ecocide: Exposing the Corporate and Political Practices Destroying the Planet and Proposing the Laws Needed to Eradicate Ecocide Review

Eradicating Ecocide: Exposing the Corporate and Political Practices Destroying the Planet and Proposing the Laws Needed to Eradicate Ecocide
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Eradicating Ecocide: Exposing the Corporate and Political Practices Destroying the Planet and Proposing the Laws Needed to Eradicate Ecocide Review"To eradicate ecocide means to forcibly remove the systems that are killing and destroying our habitat." (at xi)
Positive: The suggestions for legal reform are reasonable and well articulated. For example, the "Law to Prevent Ecocide": (1) Amend all compromise treaties, law, rules, and regulations: (i) replace with prohibition of all damaging and destructive practices; (ii) include provisions to enable restoration of damaged territories to be prioritized over existing practices that are premised on financial penalty alone. (at 57, 167 w/7 more principles). Climate change is a major thread weaved throughout the larger concepts.
I took a lot of notes from this -- I've read thousands and thousands of pages of climate literature, but I found lots of new information here, which made it impossible to put down and a very quick and "enjoyable" read.
Note: This book would be most useful for UK residents because it makes many references to UK laws, legal development, and UK terms of art, which are different in the U.S. Even though this text is pregnant with legal terms and sources, it is, nevertheless, accessible to anyone interested in political science and this important subject (how and why to prohibit large-scale environmental destruction).
Negative: This book, like the vast majority of political science books, notes that the major barrier to implementing the very practical and necessary changes it suggests, is corporate/money/profit interests corrupting government policy making. The need to reform lobbying is briefly discussed (at 99-104), but even with transparent processes, corporate dominance would prevent change and I am left feeling (predictably) unsatisfied: will national and international laws of ecocide ever realistically be implemented? (and soon, before it's too late?!). Governments will withdraw [$16b/yr (in U.S.A.)] subsidies from oil companies? (at 132). Sounds Utopian. Also, I think it was too short (183p) (it was written in 10 weeks): there is a lot more that can be explored and expanded. Nevertheless, it is a great book overall and its ideas should definitely be implemented.
For an analysis of the substantive and procedural barriers to prevent climate change using existing laws/norms, see, e.g., Applying Human Rights Norms to Climate Change: The Elusive Remedy, by Pamela Stephens, 21 Colo. J. Int'l Envtl. L. & Pol'y 49. For example, even if the law of ecocide got organizations/governments standing and made it a legal imperative to eradicate ecocide, there are still significant problems regarding lack of enforcement in the international forum. Litigation has a role to play, but do we have the time to develop the law in this way? It is slow and incremental and our situation is urgent. Thus, this book Eradicating Ecocide is more a prod to the policy process than a solution to the problem of climate change -- a necessary prod.
"Nothing less than a radical shift from protection of private interests to protection of public interests is what I call for." (at xiii)Eradicating Ecocide: Exposing the Corporate and Political Practices Destroying the Planet and Proposing the Laws Needed to Eradicate Ecocide Overview

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